
Events map: "Trasographer" at Vasya Dmytryk's exhibition, audio broadcasts in Lviv, Alina Lamakh, Katya Lesiv, Vasyl Tsagolov

8 july, 2024

Katya Lesiv, "I love you." Source: istpublishing.org

Key Art Events in Ukraine

"Insubordinate" exhibition by PAC UA

Dates: May 31, 2024 — July 14, 2024
Address: Kyiv, Baseina Street 1/3–2 (PinchukArtCentre)
Operating Hours: Wed–Sun, 12:00–21:00
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): PinchukArtCentre, Research Platform and PAC UA Program
Curator: Nikita Kadan

"NOCH" Gallery, "Unavoidable." Source: new.pinchukartcentre.org
Anonymous author, portrait of Borman, 2014, photograph. Source: new.pinchukartcentre.org
Ilya Todurkin, drawings on paper, 2019 — 2023. Source: Courtesy of the artist / new.pinchukartcentre.org
"poems forming a cube - you sit in my head and watch the dream," relief by Ilya Todurkin (2024), plasticine figure by Dasha Ch. (2021), video by Nastia Sopilnyk (2020). Source: new.pinchukartcentre.org
The "Insubordinate" exhibition, dedicated to the artists of two Odesa spaces: "NOCH" gallery and the OSRZ-2 community, explores the development of the unofficial art movement and archives phenomena that ceased to exist due to the war, showcasing the connections within the artistic community. "NOCH" gallery, which operated in the studio of artist Oleksandra Kadzevych, was a place for experimental projects and an alternative hub for the independent art scene. The temporary SRZ-2 association, which included Daria Chechushkova, Illya Todurkin, and others, was part of a mass artistic movement in the space of the former ship repair plant. According to the curator, these groups avoided the struggle for power in the cultural field, focusing on uniqueness and freedom of expression. They were united by a hopeless attempt to "just be" in their own quality, not competing with any other. The exhibition demonstrates how insubordination transforms into the freedom of maneuver and the possibility of unexpected, life-saving responses in times of societal consensus.

"Seeding Clouds" exhibition

Dates: June 1, 2024 — June 13, 2024
Address: Ivano-Frankivsk, Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, 15 (Asortymentna Kimnata)
Operating Hours: Mon–Sun, 12:00–18:00
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): Asortymentna Kimnata, fra fra fra School of Contemporary Art 
Curators: Olga Polyak, Daria Khrystyniuk

Nastia Shcherban, "Preservation of the Biome," 2024. Source: Provided by Asortymentna Kimnata
"Seeding Clouds" exhibition view, 2024. Source: Provided by Asortymentna Kimnata
"Seeding Clouds" exhibition view, 2024. Source: Provided by Asortymentna Kimnata
"Seeding Clouds" is the graduation exhibition of participants from the fra fra fra School of Contemporary Art, established in September 2023. The exhibition features works by 23 young artists created during the academic year. These include graphics, tapestries, photographs, videos, drawings, installations, documentary performances, found objects, sculptures, zines, and texts. The works focus on themes of memory and landscape, resilience, and vulnerability. The participants range in age and experience, from those making their first attempt at being an artist to those continuing or renewing their artistic practice.

"Karelia" exhibition by Alina Lamakh

Dates: June 4, 2024 — July 4, 2024
Address: Kyiv, Honchara Street, 33 (Maly Teatr)
Operating Hours: Thu–Sun, 13:00–17:30
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): The Naked Room, Malyi Theater
Curators: Lizaveta Herman, Maria Lanko

Alina Lamakh, "Karelia", 1993, tapestry. Source: esu.com.ua
The "Karelia" exhibition by Alina Lamakh is the first in the "Theater in Context" program, a joint project by The Naked Room and Maly Teatr. Alina Lamakh is known as the wife of artist Valeriy Lamakh, a monumental artist and author of the "Book of Schemes" (opus magnum of Ukrainian unofficial art, dedicated to an author's philosophical system for analyzing world culture). The exhibition presents her artistic practice from the 1980s-1990s, which often takes a backseat in her biography and includes graphic landscapes, paintings, still lifes, and tapestries. The main exhibit is the "Karelia" tapestry, created in 1993. It demonstrates the artist's understanding of floral ornamentation and the interaction of visual imagery with space.

"Between Farewell and Return" exhibition

Dates: June 5, 2024 — August 4, 2024
Address: Kyiv, Lavrska Street, 10-12 (Mystetskyi Arsenal)
Operating Hours: Wed–Sun, 12:00–20:00
Ticket Price: 30/50 UAH (free for children under 12)

Organizer(s): Art Arsenal Community NGO, Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine (PFRU)
Curators: Natasha Chychasova, Asya Tsisar
Assistant Curator: Anastasia Harazd

"Between Farewell and Return" exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Oleksandr Popenko. Source: instagram.com
"Between Farewell and Return" exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Oleksandr Popenko. Source: instagram.com
"Between Farewell and Return" exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Oleksandr Popenko. Source: instagram.com
"Between Farewell and Return" exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Oleksandr Popenko. Source: instagram.com
The exhibition focuses on memories of places and human connections destroyed by war. The experience of being detached from the past and the familiar is new for modern generations but familiar to previous ones. Through past wars, repressions, and the systematic destruction of Ukrainians, the basis of our lives has become a lack of foundation — rootlessness. Each exhibit in "Between Farewell and Return" becomes a window into the past, revealing unique stories and fates to visitors. Recreated landscapes, forgotten images, lost sounds—all these elements emphasize the importance of maintaining a connection with one's past. This exhibition is not only an artistic project but also a path to self-discovery and the restoration of personal identity.

"Words Barely Louder Than the Night" exhibition by Oleg Dimov

Dates: June 5, 2024 — June 30, 2024
Address: Kyiv, Khreshchatyk Street, 2 (Ukrainian House)
Operating Hours: Tue–Sun, 11:00–19:00
Ticket Price: 50/100 UAH (with a ticket to the exhibition "Protagonists. Picturesque Reserve / Paris Commune")

Organizer(s): National Center "Ukrainian House," Shcherbenko Art Center
Curator: Maryna Shcherbenko

Oleg Dimov, from the "Night" series, 2023-2024. Source: Provided by Ukrainian House
Oleg Dimov, from the "Night" series, 2023-2024. Source: Provided by Ukrainian House
The photo project "Words Barely Louder Than the Night" by Oleg Dimov unites works from the 2022–2024 series "Another Landscape," "Night," "Morning," "Stains," and "The Time When I'm Not at Home." Through these works, the author recreates his visual practice and offers a view of Ukraine through his reflections. The main series here are "Another Landscape" and "Night." The seascapes, receding from the shores in "Another Landscape," signal potential danger coming from that side — from Russian missiles. This pressure is particularly familiar to the residents of Odesa, as the city stands on the edge, facing the threat of destruction. The series "Night" depicts ordinary houses that, according to the artist, "cannot leave the country where the war continues. They remain with only the expectation of possible danger, such as an explosion."

"The Soil under My Nails Reminds Me of Dried Blood" exhibition

Dates: June 5, 2024 — June 29, 2024
Address: Kyiv, Reitarska Street, 21 (The Naked Room)
Operating Hours: Mon–Sun, 12:00–21:00
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): ArtSvit gallery, The Naked Room gallery
Curator: Alia Segal

The exhibition intertwines numerous stories and testimonies collected within the framework of the Secondary Archive project. This project began as an attempt to capture the direct language of female artists, whose role in the art environment is still fragile. "When men start wars, women's voices can become quieter," the description states. Olha Kuzyura engages in a dialogue with testimonies from women in the Chernihiv region (collected by the NGO "Northern Cultural Capital"), Kinder Album presents a series of works inspired by obituaries and stories from the de-occupied Kharkiv region (collected by the "Memorial" project), Daria Molokoiedova works on the image of her childhood home, which became inaccessible due to the front-line situation in Kramatorsk. Volunteer paramedic Marharyta Polovinko recreates (sometimes imaginary) landscapes from her native Kryvyi Rih, Dasha Chechushkova depicts the panorama of the Black Sea after the explosion of the Kakhovka dam, and Anna Zvyagintseva turns to advice she heard in childhood — always carry sweets with you.

"Collection. Vasyl Tsagolov" exhibition

Dates: June 7, 2024 — July 7, 2024
Address: Kyiv, Yaroslavska Street, 21 (Dymchuk Gallery)
Operating Hours: Wed–Sun, 12:00–19:00
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): Dymchuk Gallery

Vasyl Tsagolov. Sketch for the painting. From the "Swan Lake" series, 2010. Canvas, oil, 158 x 98 cm. Source: Provided by Dymchuk Gallery
Vasyl Tsagolov. “Fly”, 2011. From the "Fear Has Big Eyes" series. Canvas, oil. 280 x 380 cm. Source: Provided by Dymchuk Gallery
The exhibition dedicated to the work of Ukrainian artist Vasyl Tsagolov includes works from his famous projects such as "Fear Has Big Eyes," "Swan Lake," "The Ghost of the Revolution," and more. In these series, the artist experiments with various media, from painting to sculpture, expressing his reflections on contemporary society and its issues. A recognizable element of Tsagolov's painting is the white background of the canvas, visible through the gaps in the drawing. The artist uses this technique to create a "breathing," light work. "Collection. Vasyl Tsagolov" is part of a series of events celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Dymchuk Gallery.

"I Love You" exhibition by Katya Lesiv

Dates: June 7, 2024 — June 28, 2024
Address: Kyiv, Luteranska Street, 6 (thesteinstudio)
Operating Hours: Thu–Sun, 11:00–19:00
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): thesteinstudio

Katya Lesiv, from the "I Love You" series. Source: Provided by thesteinstudio
Katya Lesiv, from the "I Love You" series. Source: Provided by thesteinstudio
Katya Lesiv's exhibition "I Love You" is an intimate journey into the world of two peonies, where their living rhythms and cycles reflect human life, its joys, and relentless changes. During different stages of flower blooming, from buds to wilting, the artist reveals the depth and beauty of natural processes mirrored in our own existence. Previously, the photo series "I Love You" was published in the art book by ist publishing in 2021, after which it received a unique recognition from the Aperture PhotoBook Awards.

"Quiet as of Now" exhibition

Dates: June 8, 2024 — September 7, 2024
Address: Lviv, Kniazia Romana Street, 6 (Dim Zvuku)
Operating Hours: Mon–Sun, 10:00–18:00
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): Institute of Contemporary Art NGO, Slushni Rechi NGO, Dim Zvuku
Co-organizer(s): supported by the ZMINA: Rebuilding program, with the support of the IZOLYATSIA Foundation, Trans Europe Halles, and Malý Berlín
Curators: Andriy Linik, Natalka Revko, Valeria Nasedkina

The "Quiet as of Now" exhibition — part of the "Sound Experiences of War" project — offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore changes in the sound landscape of Ukraine after the full-scale invasion, as well as to rethink our perception of sounds and our reaction to them. The exposition includes live sound streaming using stream boxes, which reflect different places and moments — from calm and solitary to traumatic. A curatorial tour of the exhibition will take place on June 9 at 16:00 by prior registration.

"Heating Season" exhibition by Vasya Dmytryk

Dates: June 15, 2024 — July 15, 2024
Address: Kryvyi Rih, Polyuboyartseva Street, 6b (Kryvyi Rih Center for Contemporary Culture / KRCC)
Operating Hours: Fri–Sun, 12:00–19:00
Ticket Price: Free Admission

Organizer(s): Kryvyi Rih Center for Contemporary Culture (KRCC)
Co-organizer(s): EU4Culture, Goethe-Institut in Ukraine, Friends of the Museum NGO, Assortment Room, Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund, Andy Warhol Foundation
Curator: Kyrylo Lipatov

"Heating Season" exhibition view, 2024. Source: Provided by KRCC
"Heating Season" exhibition view, 2024. Source: Provided by KRCC
Vasya Dmytryk in "Heating Season" exhibition space, 2024. Source: Provided by KRCC
The "Heating Season" exhibition by Vasya Dmytryk presents material evidence from the winters of 2022–2024 — nails collected from the furnace of the artist's Odesa workshop. Using these items, deformed, and covered with rust and soot, the author leaves traces on sheets. During the exhibition, the process will be more complex. The specially created "traceograph," which works on artificial intelligence, will set the nails in motion—using changes in the electromagnetic field—and create a set of sheets with their traces.

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