
Series of lectures «Cultural Management in Times of Change» from the art center Closer

4 december, 2020

Next week will begin a series of lectures "Cultural Management in Times of Change" from the art center Closer and OK Projects. This course is dedicated to cultural managers and will include the basic directions necessary for organizing cultural events, with a deep focus on surviving in a crisis. The lectures will be published on Closer and OK Projects facebook pages at 20:00 on the indicated date.

The schedule:
07.12. Kseniia Malykh “Management of cultural projects. Introductory lecture”
09.12. Kateryna Semeniuk “Crisis budgeting”
14.12. Alisa Mallen "Reputational risks and crisis PR in times of pandemic and other unforeseen situations"
16.12. Olha Shyshlova “Сrisis as an opportunity for development: levels of visitors involvement”
21.12. Olha Bekenshtein "Forming the institution’s program during the crisis"
23.12. Kateryna Nosko “Collaborations and community strength”

About the first event:
The lecture "Management of cultural projects. Introductory lecture" will be given by Kseniia Malykh, co-founder of the art center Closer, manager of the PinchukArtCentre Research Platform, art historian, contemporary art researcher, curator.
Peculiarities of cultural projects. Which project management skills work in culture and which do not. How to narrow a specialty if one wants to work in the cultural field. Stages of project implementation from ideas to archiving. How to test your idea for viability and relevance.

The project is supported by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.